Alagi Logistics - Tbilisi, Georgia
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Company name
Alagi Logistics
ც. დადიანის ქ. 7, Tbilisi, Georgia
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Working hours
- Monday: 10:30 am - 6:30 pm
- Tuesday: 10:30 am - 6:30 pm
- Wednesday: 10:30 am - 6:30 pm
- Thursday: 10:30 am - 6:30 pm
- Friday: 10:30 am - 6:30 pm
- Saturday: -
- Sunday: -
Establishment year
26-50E-mail address
Company description
The word "Alagi" in ancient Georgian means a pathway, a road. Our mission is to help our customers to choose the faithful "alagi" and open up new opportunities to grow their business.
We provide powerful solutions to meet your diverse transportation needs. Also, our top priorities are to help our customers save time and get things done with less effort. Therefore, Alagi provides additional on-demand services and consolidates them with our transparent transportation and warehousing services. Our customers get the ease of working with a single operator - from start to finish.
The company Alagi was founded in 2018 by three people with many years of experience in logistics. During this time, we have launched dozens of new directions and implemented thousands of projects. This allowed us
Today both market leaders and companies that are just starting their way trust our professionalism and reliability. Alagi became a leader in the logistic industry and established its name inside and outside the country.
We provide powerful solutions to meet your diverse transportation needs. Also, our top priorities are to help our customers save time and get things done with less effort. Therefore, Alagi provides additional on-demand services and consolidates them with our transparent transportation and warehousing services. Our customers get the ease of working with a single operator - from start to finish.
The company Alagi was founded in 2018 by three people with many years of experience in logistics. During this time, we have launched dozens of new directions and implemented thousands of projects. This allowed us
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to qualitatively increase the standards of customer service, safety, ethics and quality protection.Today both market leaders and companies that are just starting their way trust our professionalism and reliability. Alagi became a leader in the logistic industry and established its name inside and outside the country.
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Products & Services 3
- OVERSEA SHIPMENTTransportation from all countries of the world to Poti and B...
- LAND TRANSPORTATIONAlagi Logistics has its own multi-profile truck park and is ...
- BROKERAGE SERVICESSupply chains and the freight industry are changing, and mos...
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