Wandarer - Tbilisi, Georgia
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12 Nishnianidze st, Tbilisi, Georgia
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Company description
The travel company was founded on the basis of the Georgian Aikido federation:” Iwama Shin Shin Aiki Shuren Kai.”
In addition to our main objective-cultural dialogue, the part of the money you spend traveling to georgia will be contributed to development of aikido in Georgia.
Besides our fixed tours “WANDERER” offers you to create a travel plan together with us which will meet your desires and interests.
1. Mountaineering
2. Hikings
3. Biking
4. Horseride
5. Hunting
6. Fishing
7. Rafting
8. Paragliding
9.Cultural tours and participation in a scientific expeditions
In addition to our main objective-cultural dialogue, the part of the money you spend traveling to georgia will be contributed to development of aikido in Georgia.
Besides our fixed tours “WANDERER” offers you to create a travel plan together with us which will meet your desires and interests.
1. Mountaineering
2. Hikings
3. Biking
4. Horseride
5. Hunting
6. Fishing
7. Rafting
8. Paragliding
9.Cultural tours and participation in a scientific expeditions
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